Thursday, September 3, 2020

Business Stakeholders Knowledge Management System

Question: Examine about the Report for Business Stakeholders of Knowledge Management System. Answer: Partner alludes to any individual that has enthusiasm for the proposed data or information the executives framework. It is critical to investigate on the partner prerequisite for these frameworks to comprehend the stake of the different specialized and non-specialized laborers and furthermore to decide the impact of the partner on the exercises related with the venture. Task of jobs and duties can likewise be effectively done simply subsequent to understanding the partner necessity (Pouloudi, 2016). There are various techniques to gather data from the partners that remember one-for one conversations with the partner, bunch conversations, and conduction of cooperative workshops alongside phone calls and overviews. It is proposed to record the results of any of these techniques in a proper way (Abudi, 2010). Partner the executives and appraisal is a significant movement in a venture and the means in giving data to the outside partners ought to be overseen well. The fundamental destinations of the framework are: To give the data to the outer partners without settling on the data classification, honesty and security. To give the data to the outer partners according to the task plan The accompanying technique must be followed while preparing the outside clients: A preparation plan must be created and imparted to the coach and the learners before the preparation. Assets vital for the preparation that is a facilitator, coach or gathering of mentors and learners ready to go to the preparation must be distinguished. Technique for preparing will be concluded on shared assent. For an electronic preparing, sound/video conferencing subtleties alongside the calendar must be imparted to all the individuals and if there should be an occurrence of an in-person instructional course, setting subtleties must be shared and booked ahead of time. The reports that will be followed during the preparation must be flowed ahead of time. The achievement of the preparation movement can be decided based on the criticism structure containing a rundown of inquiries concerning the preparation material, plan, mentor collaboration level and in like manner. The structure must be filled and sent back to the facilitator by all the learners. The framework can be elevated to the outside clients by organizing the early on and instructional meetings for them that will give a brief on the highlights of the equivalent and the means to utilize the equivalent. Client manuals and aides featuring the propelled highlights and advantages should likewise be circled. The framework honesty while giving access to outer clients can be kept up by following exacting access control quantifies alongside the client confirmation and approval techniques. Additionally, the data and information present on the framework must be encoded to maintain a strategic distance from any security dangers. A robotized deals the board data framework must be introduced to keep the business data kept up and secure simultaneously. If there should be an occurrence of the loss of business chart from the client the executives framework, the back-end group must be reached for help to give the equivalent from the back-up and recuperation database. To keep away from the information misfortune in the event of an accident, viable back-up systems must be embraced alongside the fiasco recuperation for recouping the information as and when required. Client Relationship Management (CRM) programming must be utilized by the association to improve client communication and related exercises. In the event of incorrect data sent to the provider, the data must be returned and supplanted with the revised bit of the equivalent. Request preparing and stock control frameworks must be introduced to smooth out the requests that are gotten from the clients and to evade the issues of shipment deferrals and rainchecks. Exchange Processing Information Systems are the frameworks which are utilized to deal with the exchanges at the operational level. These frameworks play out the errand of approving, arranging, posting, combining, ascertaining and refreshing the data to give point by point reports and records. A portion of the instances of exchange handling data frameworks incorporate finance frameworks, request preparing frameworks, stock control frameworks and reservation frameworks (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin, Aziati, 2016). Qualities: These frameworks can deal with a few thousand exchanges at the same time without causing mistakes which is in any case impractical through manual tasks. This prompts sparing of a great deal of time and exertion. These frameworks additionally empower the clients from all over the globe to get to a framework whenever as these are consistently accessible. Shortcomings The greatest shortcoming of these frameworks is the security dangers that these are presented to. There is likewise equipment and system necessity that should be satisfied to actualize and utilize these frameworks. The upkeep that these frameworks request likewise adds to the shortcoming of the exchange handling frameworks (Fitzpatrick, 2016). SWOT Analysis represents the assurance of an associations qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers. It is a vital arranging device for the association to comprehend the inside (qualities and shortcomings) and outside (circumstances and dangers) factors that may influence the presentation. SWOT Analysis can be utilized to decide the adequacy of a data the executives framework as it can without much of a stretch assess the achievement or disappointment of the equivalent. It likewise gives data on the highlights that recognize the framework from the rest which make it recognized from the contenders (Chand, 2014). The data framework that has been decided for evaluation is the Transaction Processing System. The framework has been seen as incredibly successful and usable for the representatives to perform operational exchanges. It has additionally risen as a basic segment in the data frameworks that are introduced in the association. The appraisal strategy that was followed to come up to the resolution expressed above is depicted as follows: A checking and assessment plan was intended to play out the evaluation of the framework Observing of the framework was finished by gathering the data through on location visits, audit of the information and assessment of the reports. Information was gathered as reports, records, pointers and configurations Assessment to survey the presentation was finished by deciding the accomplishments, sway, cost viability and maintainability of the framework (, 2016). The significant downsides that were gotten while surveying the exchange preparing data frameworks were regarding the security. Security dangers and dangers are on a regularly expanding pace in the realm of data frameworks and the equivalent has affected the exchange preparing frameworks too. The equivalent can be endorsed by utilizing more grounded security instruments, for example, improved access control, utilization of most recent enemy of infection and web security alongside the establishment of firewalls in the framework. Different workers that were engaged with surveying the framework and proposing the enhancements were the system designs that decided the system security assaults influencing the framework, inward and outer clients that utilization the framework and the upkeep staff that gives help and backing. Evaluation Report Objective The target of the report is to investigate the adequacy and execution of exchange preparing data framework in the association. Partners The partners that are included during the evaluation of the framework are the framework engineers, organize engineers, support group and end-clients. Appraisal Procedure A checking and appraisal course of action was proposed to play out the assessment of the structure Checking of the structure was done by social affair the information through on the spot visits, review of the data and assessment of the reports Data was accumulated as reports, records, markers and designs Appraisal to assess the execution was done by choosing the achievements, influence, cost feasibility and viability of the system Appraisal Result The framework has been seen to be generally convincing and usable for the laborers to perform operational trades. It has moreover ascended as a key part in the information frameworks that are presented in the affiliation. Suggestions The genuine impediments that were gotten while assessing the exchange preparing information frameworks were similar to the security. Security risks and perils are on a never-endingly growing pace in the domain of information frameworks and the equivalent has influenced the exchange handling frameworks as well. The equivalent can be supported by using more grounded security instruments, for instance, improved access control, use of latest devices against infections and web assaults nearby the foundation of firewalls in the framework. References Abudi, G. (2010). Best Practices for Gathering Requirements from Your Stakeholders - Gina Abudi. Gina Abudi. Recovered 4 August 2016, from for-social affair prerequisites from-your-partners/ Al-Mamary, Y., Shamsuddin, An., Aziati, N. (2016). The Role of Different Types of Information Systems In Business Organizations : A Review. Recovered 4 August 2016, from Chand, S. (2014). SWOT Analysis: Meaning and Importance of SWOT Analysis | Management. The Next Generation Library. Recovered 4 August 2016, from board/swot-examination significance and-significance of-swot-investigation the executives/25826/ Fitzpatrick, M. Fitzpatrick, M. (2016). The Advantage Disadvantage of Transaction Processing Systems | eHow. eHow. Recovered 4 August 2016, from exchange proce

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay --

In excess of 205,000 new medications are presented in business sectors worldwide consistently in the wake of experiencing different acknowledgment tests. Over decades, an enormous number of creatures have been used for testing new medications on them, in order to save human life. This can be demonstrated from the way that early doctor, researchers, for example, Aristotle and Erasistratus performed investigates living creatures. Essentially, Galen who was a goliath throughout the entire existence of medication led creature trials to propel the comprehension of Anatomy and the Pathology physiology. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) presented creature testing as an exploratory technique for testing surgeries before applying them to human patients. In any case, in the ongoing years, it is seen that the act of utilizing creatures for medicate testing has gone under thorough analysis by the creature security and basic entitlements gatherings. Genuinely prescriptions and diverse clinical things are routi nely taken a stab at creatures before they are brought into business sectors and utilized for human . While I tend towards the viewpoint that creature testing possibly morally off-base, still I would need to help a restricted measure of creature experimentation for the advancement of prescriptions maintaining as a primary concern the upsides of doing instead of simply concentrating on the negatives. People and creatures transmit a few afflictions, and therefore creatures can go about as models for the examination of human sickness. For example, hares experience the evil impacts of atherosclerosis (hardening of the courses) and furthermore diseases, for instance, emphysema, and life initiation gives up, for instance, spina bifida. Felines experience the ill effects of the evil impacts of malady, diabetes and ulcers which make them contender for investigation into these issue. From such models we make sense of h... on creatures, for example, utilizing innovative advances, for example, PC displaying, activity and reproduction, the study of disease transmission, in vitro examine, virtual medication preliminaries, miniaturized scale dosing advances, human cell and tissue techniques, â€Å"human-on-a-chip† innovation and post-showcasing drug observation. Researchers have now begun to receive non creature testing techniques around the world. In some clinical schools and colleges creature testing have been completely supplanted by the mechanical machines which is a propelled development by the humanity. Taking everything into account, it tends to be said that paying little heed to advancement in the clinical field , it is currently time for a change utilizing creatures as default technique for testing new development on creatures must be halted bit by bit. It may not be right to totally blacklist testing on creatures for fundamental restorative research until proper choices have been made. Article - In excess of 205,000 new medications are presented in business sectors worldwide consistently in the wake of experiencing different acknowledgment tests. Over decades, countless creatures have been used for testing new medications on them, in order to save human life. This can be demonstrated from the way that early doctor, researchers, for example, Aristotle and Erasistratus performed probes living creatures. Also, Galen who was a mammoth throughout the entire existence of medication led creature analyses to propel the comprehension of Anatomy and the Pathology physiology. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) presented creature testing as a trial strategy for testing surgeries before applying them to human patients. In any case, in the ongoing years, it is seen that the act of utilizing creatures for tranquilize testing has gone under thorough analysis by the creature insurance and basic entitlements gatherings. Genuinely drugs and distinctive clinical things are routinely taken a stab at creatures before they are brought into business sectors and utilized for human . While I tend towards the viewpoint that creature testing perhaps morally off-base, still I would need to help a restricted measure of creature experimentation for the advancement of drugs maintaining at the top of the priority list the upsides of doing instead of simply concentrating on the negatives. People and creatures transmit a few disorders, and consequently creatures can go about as models for the examination of human disease. For example, hares experience the evil impacts of atherosclerosis (hardening of the veins) and furthermore diseases, for instance, emphysema, and life beginning acquiescences, for instance, spina bifida. Felines experience the ill effects of the evil impacts of sickness, diabetes and ulcers which make them possibility for investigation into these issue. From such models we make sense of h... on creatures, for example, utilizing mechanical advances, for example, PC demonstrating, activity and reproduction, the study of disease transmission, in vitro examine, virtual medication preliminaries, small scale dosing advances, human cell and tissue strategies, â€Å"human-on-a-chip† innovation and post-advertising drug observation. Researchers have now begun to embrace non creature testing techniques around the world. In some clinical schools and colleges creature testing have been completely supplanted by the innovative machines which is a propelled development by the humankind. Taking everything into account, it very well may be said that paying little mind to advancement in the clinical field , it is currently time for a change utilizing creatures as default technique for testing new development on creatures must be halted bit by bit. It may not be right to totally blacklist testing on creatures for basic restorative research until fitting options have been made.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Patient Record Management System free essay sample

The immense improvement of innovation is the apparent in emergency clinics in different nations as they have created and executed various types of Patient Record Management System making experts and wellbeing professionals’ work simpler than the manual method of social affair patient’s record that the medical clinics had previously. In Philippines, just a couple of emergency clinics (Saint Lukes Medical Center, Makati Medical City and Asian Hospital and Medical Center) have executed a completely Electronic Medical Record which incorporates all inpatient and outpatient medicinal services data. The objective of the emergency clinic is to impart data to all the national medical clinics and open social insurance offices and at present they can impart information to one part of the medical clinic. A few medical clinics despite everything utilize the manual technique which is time and vitality expending yet why it is that solitary hardly any emergency clinics in the Philippines, being a recently industrialized nation may have a factor on why executing a PRMS is inconceivable. We will compose a custom paper test on Persistent Record Management System or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The potential reasons could be deficient assets, absence of specialized mastery and PC aptitudes and the absence of information handling offices. Furthermore, the opposition of clinical experts and wellbeing experts for the most part to change from manual to electronic documentation might be an issue. Most wellbeing heads and data chiefs are utilized to the old framework and have this dread it might require some investment to change or if nothing else adjust some conduct and mentalities. The explanation behind needing to change to an electronic framework is significant. Most wellbeing directors and data supervisors hope to move from a paper to paperless condition. This is a significant advance to help wellbeing foundations and the earth simultaneously. By having an electronic framework, specialists could improve the exactness and nature of information recorded in a wellbeing record, upgrade practitioners’ access to a patient’s record, empowering it to be shared at present and furthermore for the future use, it could likewise improve the nature of care due to wellbeing data that a patient need can be quickly accessible constantly. At present, individuals depend on the data based on what is electronically made since it can without much of a stretch be seen. In the cutting edge world, correspondence is fundamental inside our way of life. With the coming of data and correspondence gave inside a clinical establishment, experts together with their patients inside the region of Baguio may utilize the data effectively to expand great association. Tolerant Record Management System may furnish both helpful data with the Doctor and Patient the same, giving and improving simple Doctor-Patient correspondence. In the headway of innovation, electronic clinical records are currently developing greater prevalence today. As expressed in the definition on wikipedia. rg about Electronic Medical Records, these are a modernized clinical record that is made in an association that can convey care, for example, emergency clinic or physician’s office. Electronic clinical records are planned to be a piece of a neighborhood independent wellbeing data framework that permit stockpiling, recovery and adjustment of records (recovered from: Wikipedia. com, November 2011. en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/Electronic_health_record. Article st ructure: http://www. providersedge. com/ehdocs/ehr _articles/Electronic_Patient_Records-EMRs_and_EHRs. pdf). These are clinical records of patients that are encoded into the PC arrangement of an association for the data scattering of clinical experts in a specific association, for example, emergency clinics, facilities and so forth. In the worldwide situation, in an article by Steenhuysen J. (Walk 2009), the United States has under 2 percent of U. S. emergency clinics that have totally acknowledged a completely utilitarian electronic clinical records. With U. S. President Barrack Obama has made electronic clinical records a focal bit of his arrangement to reduce expenses out of U. S. social insurance framework that reliably positions lower in quality measures than other rich nations. The U. S. President additionally apportioned $19 billion to drive into the expansion the utilization of data innovation in human services. The quantities of without electronic clinical records are moderately high contrasted with those associations that have embraced Electronic Medical Records. Starfield, B. (1991) proposes that Primary Care in the United States is basic to the arrangement of giving amazing clinical consideration. From the examination in the year 1996, the Institute of Medicine report characterized essential consideration as the arrangement of incorporated, open social insurance benefits by clinicians responsible for tending to most close to home human services needs, building up a supported association with patients, and rehearsing with regards to family and network. These makes a greater number of individuals to get essential consideration than in different centers. These facilities have embraced the advancements of data innovation giving more an incentive to the essential consideration in different centers. These facilities have received the developments on data innovation giving more an incentive to the essential consideration of their patients. Along these lines clearly electronic clinical records in the facility are to be available for the simplicity of availability, stockpiling, recovery and adjustment of clinical records. Be that as it may, in a littler size of human services framework. Where Everyone, being succeptible to ailment needs to organize on counteraction in odres to extra costs on human services. This meeting the specialists center today is the most effecient and inexpensivr approach to forestall maladies. Offering different analysis, immunizations and upkeep drugs. With todays populace, more patients visit the specialists center and wellbeing records the board acts like the most tedious action. As keeping various pages on document cases and looking through this record cases individually when a patient shows up eats more often than not that could have spent treating another patient. With the entirety of the referenced cases which inpact the quantity of patients analyzed every day. The specialists consented to lead an examination for Dr. Nelia Bacay’s center at SLU medical clinic of the Sacred Heart, attach. The analysts will attempt to discover ways and practices to help up remaining burden and limit time devoured by building up a framework. Articulation of the Problem The fundamental goal of the investigation is to plan a Patient Record Management System for Dr. Nelia Bacay in which tries to respond to the accompanying inquiries: 1. What procedures are included inside the practitioners’ clinical records of their patients? 2. What challenges are experienced in regards to the procedures associated with the clinical records? 3. What highlights in regards to the clinical records ought to be consolidated with the proposed Patient Record Management for Dr. Renato Manalo to their present framework? Target of the Study The fundamental goal of the examination is to structure a Patient Records Management System for Dr. Nelia Bacay that will help up remaining burden and limit time expended on activity. The scientists expect to accomplish the accompanying: 1. To distinguish the present standard working system in diagnosing patients. 2. To specify and talk about the most small devouring certainty all the while. 3. To plan a Patient Record Management that encourages a fast and simple approach to access and view patients profile. Criticalness of the Study This investigation is significant as far as favorable circumstances or advantages that would be picked up by the accompanying elements: To the Practitioners: The Practitioners will have the primary significance of the investigation due to its expanded number of patients and administrations rendered. More patients are slanted to profit of clinical administrations. This likewise makes the correspondence between co-specialists of a similar field. To the patients: The best bit of leeway of having a Patient Record Management System is for them to have a straightforwardness to investigate about the Doctors’ profile and their openness using PRMS. Just by a progression of snaps and rounding out essential data, an arrangement can be made. To the Researchers: The improvement of a PRMS makes the scientists to be progressively mindful and learned of things to come pattern in data and innovation explicitly on Medical Informatics. Moreover, by building up a framework, programming abilities of the analysts are improved. To future scientists: This investigation can be a reference and manual for different analysts who mean to build up a Patient Record Management System later on that can be applied to different fields of premium, for example, lodgings, cafés, shops and alsp different fields of clinical calling. Extension and Delimitation of the Study In improving the nature of administrations in an association or foundation, we make investigate different alternatives, for example, recruiting new staff to build work limit, or getting equipmentto decrease work and human blunder, or to make an increasingly steady and solid framework may it be manual or PC situated. In unraveling this issue, we could consider in the blend of the accessible choices inside our grip. To additionally upgrade the creation in our foundation, the organization could join the alternatives of having new hardware and making another framework or refreshing the current one. In assembling these two alternatives, it will give a progressively steady, solid and productive framework to be utilized in day by day exchanges. Our undertaking means to continue in refreshing the previous framework in the foundation. Changing the organization from a manual kind to a PC arranged data framework. Reconfiguring the old framework points that clients and representatives have a progressively advantageous. With the undertaking be done, the organization will have a smoother stream of work, decreased human mistake, improved time in completing certain procedures and as an aggregate, a critical increment in efficiency and making a dependable Patient R

Friday, June 12, 2020

Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Exploring the Existence of Love - Literature Essay Samples

â€Å"The lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of an imagination all compact (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 7-8). This quote by Theseus encompasses the notion of love as being an illusion, a product of the imagination. Love is equated with lunacy and poetry, both intangible qualities, which makes it necessary to question its existence. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, love is viewed in many different ways. Bottom proves to be quite accurate characterizing the four main lovers when he states, O what fools these mortals be† (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 115). While the four main characters believe in romanticism, Theseus is a strong supporter of realism. This sets up a comparison between the dichotomy of reason and love; that love is without reason and if we use reason to rationalise love, then perhaps it does not exist or is tenuous at best. In Act 1 Scene 1, Hermia declares her love for Lysander and swears upon â€Å"Cupid’s strongest bow, By his best arrow, with the golden head, By the simplicity of Venus’ doves, By that which knitteth souls and prospers loves, And by that fire which burned the Carthage queen When the false Troyan under sail was seen. (Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 169-174)† The oath is strong and invokes the power of mythological beings. However, it is also intangible. As much as the oath alludes to unrestrained and powerful desires (Olson, 105) it cannot withstand â€Å"Love-in-Idleness†. The introduction of the potion provides a reason for love; otherwise it is merely an intangible feeling. In other words, the existence of â€Å"Love-in-Idleness† gives a tangible representation to loving. However, this brings to mind the question: if a love that is willing to defy death cannot overcome a mere potion, then what is the strength of love that Hermia and Lysander speak of? Moreover, the potion disrupts the natural progression of love. Olson argues â€Å"Love moves always to impress its form upon the base mater ial of Chaos† (105). Yet, it is hard to find an example of love in the play. The young lovers Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius do not exhibit unwavering love. True love is embodied in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116, where it â€Å"looks on tempests and is never shaken† (6). Here, love is not seen to overcome the chaos that Olson speaks of; instead, it causes more chaos and imbalance: Demetrius and Lysander are magically compelled to transfer their love from Hermia to Helena. The play strives for balance, which is why the young lovers are nicely coupled in the end. The chaos caused by the potion, which is an act against nature, builds up tension in the play that has to be resolved by restoring balance. Marriage thus becomes a convenient resolution, a deus ex machina rather than a portrayal of love and the potion is a catalyst for this seemingly loving ending. The potion is essentially a liquid, and this signifies the fluidity of the young lover’ s identities. As the play progresses, it is difficult to distinguish between Hermia and Helena. Even their names sound almost identical. This supports Marshall’s assertion that the characters are â€Å"changelings in the sense that the play’s plot revolves around their exchanges. (568)† I opine that Shakespeare uses the potion to show how easily the affections of the so-called lover can be swayed. The ease by which their affections switch mocks Helena’s stoic claim that â€Å"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 234)† Her statement assumes that love is based on the impressions formed by the lover, and if the lover’s impressions can be swayed so easily and fluidly, then the will to love is undermined. It is worth noting that the female lovers Hermia and Helena stand unfaltering in their devotion to their lovers Lysander and Demetrius, while Lysander and Demetrius are affected by the potion and cannot sta y true. The impotence of language is thus highlighted, and this undermines Hermia’s oath in the beginning of the play stated in the above paragraph. The presence of using the potion to induce love also serves as a mockery to love. â€Å"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks (11)† that is what love is according to the aforementioned sonnet; but in the play, love is altered within hours and that further emphasizes the falsified nature of love. The fact that the play is entitled A Midsummer Night’s Dream reminds readers that a dream is an illusion. Under this pretext, readers enter a world of make-believe, where love can be tampered. This notion possibly offends sensibilities and the traditional logic that love is transcendental of failures. Puck acknowledges this when he ends of the play by apologising â€Å"If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended – That you have slumbered here While these visions did appear. And th is weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream†¦ (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 415-420)† Furthermore, the structure of having a play within a play, that is the inclusion of â€Å"The most lamentable and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisby† reminds us that this is only acting. This impresses upon the reader that the stage is an act of illusion, and we cannot ignore the element of uncertainty in the play. With this uncertainty, we thus mistrust the displays of love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. There are many instances in A Midsummer Nights Dream where love is coerced from or foisted upon unwilling persons. In Act 1 Scene 1, we are introduced to the dilemma between the love of Hermia and Lysander. Egeus insists that Hermia marry Demetrius if not she will die or be a nun. Marshall offers an explanation to Egeus’ tyranny when he says that Egeus believes that Hermia’s impression â€Å"is seen as rightfully his, which is why Hermia’s claim to think and speak for herself is also a crime against her father. (551)† Both the plays humans and fairies try to shape love into forms that are advantageous not to the lovers, but to the leaders. Egeus insists that Hermia submit to Demetrius or die; Hippolyta must marry Theseus as a symbol of his countrys dominance over hers. And the non-human characters are just as anxious to control the romantic landscape. Again, love is being subjected to intervention and interferes with natural progression. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a play built on setting up contrasts within scenes. Similarly, the notions of love are being compared. The young lovers are consumed with what they think is love to the point of losing touch with the world and escaping to an alternate reality embodied by the forest. To them, love is a fairy tale that involves no reason. Theseus ridicules this idea when he states that â€Å"Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fanta sies, that apprehend More than cool reason every comprehends. (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 4-6)† By this, he is dismissing the young lovers’ love as a fantasy that is without rationale. This is true of the lovers especially when they disregard their family and are willing to even die for their love. Helena represents this foolish loving when she avows, â€Å"I am your spaniel, and Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you. Use me but as your spaniel – spurn me, strike me, Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave, Unworthy as I am, to follow you. What worser place can I beg in your love – And yet a place of high respect with me – Than to be used as you use your dog? (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 202-210)† This avowal, though passionate, lacks dignity and sensibility. It is senseless that she is begging for Demetrius’ love only to be loved by him in the end because of the potion. The unity of the lovers is laughable when we rationalise that the pains they have taken to be together is eclipsed by â€Å"Love-in-Idleness.† It could be Shakespeare’s way of mocking their love because the pansy in effect, creates love without having to do anything (idleness). Despite my intentions to prove that love does not exist between the young lovers, we have to bear in mind that it is staunch to Lysander’s view that â€Å"The course of true love never did run smooth (Act I, Scene 1, Line 134). Love exists if we understand love as a path fraught with difficulties to be overcome. However, this conclusion would be simplistic because it does not take into account the fickleness of the young lovers. By this yardstick, it is then difficult to determine whether love exists or not. And because of this difficulty, I can only conclude that true love is elusive and rare and is perhaps an illusion that can only be found in a dream. After all, didn’t Shakespeare conclude in Sonnet 116 that â€Å"If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved†? Works CitedMarshall, David. â€Å"Exchanging Visions: Reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream.† ELH, Vol. 49, No. 3. (Autumn, 1982), pp. 543-575.Olson, Paul A. â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Meaning of Court Marriage.† ELH, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Jun., 1957), pp. 95-119. Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. New York: Penguin Group, 2000.. Sonnet 116. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc, 1997. 1962.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Assessment Task Shc 23 †Introduction to Equality and...

Assessment task SHC 23 – Introduction to equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.Understand the importance of equality and inclusion. 1.1 Explain what is meant by: diversity, equality, inclusion, discrimination. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. Equality means giving all children the†¦show more content†¦1.3 Explain how practices that support inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. You should always be aware of practises within your workplace that might exclude some individuals. Some of these practices could be changed or modified in order to be more inclusive. The practises that support equality and inclusion are: Value difference, see the person not the barrier; Non judgemental approaches; Safety and equality/equal treatment; Honesty and challenging poor practice; Inclusive decision making; Cultural awareness and training; Recognised standards and values to work to; Consistent practices of the staff team; Zero tolerance. Achieving consistent practices across the staff team, will help to reduce the likelihood of discrimination, workers challenge poor practice and record and report any concerns. The organisational culture should be: to never accept poor practice and ensure all staff are trained and knowledgeable on the subjects of equality and inclusion, leading to a more open accessible and inclusive service that demonstrates values and qualities that promote inclusion. 2.Be able to work in an inclusive way. 2.1Identify which legislation and codes of practiceShow MoreRelatedCashe Level 2 Essay example18123 Words   |  73 PagesCACHE Qualification Specification CACHE Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF)  © CACHE 2011 Except as allowed by law, or where specified in the text, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission from the Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education. CACHE has provided this Qualification Specification in MicrosoftRead MoreLearning and Social Care Essay examples30870 Words   |  124 PagesCACHE Qualification Specification CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE  © Copyright 2011 All rights reserved worldwide.    Reproduction by approved CACHE centres is permissible for internal use under the following conditions: CACHE has provided this Qualification Specification in Microsoft Word format to enable its Centres to use its content more flexibly within their own

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Daniel Handler Lemony Snicket - 1561 Words

Daniel Handler, better known as Lemony Snicket, author of the once immensely popular children’s book series, A Series of Unfortunate Events; once said Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and dont always like.† One of the best examples of fate within literature is Shakespeares play Macbeth. Throughout the play Macbeth goes from noble man to murderous villain throughout his quest to change the fate presented to him by three witches who act as prophets to the other characters in the play. In the end Macbeth, despite his desperate attempts to change his fate, ends up in the exact situation that witches predicted throughout the play. Once fate and free will are put into perspective it almost seems silly to think everything about as being just by chance. Fate is real, as can be seen in various works of literature as well as in real life such as in religion, ancient cultures, and even in modern-day culture as well. In ancient Anglo-Saxon culture the word weird is used to mean the same thing as fate. In stories with Anglo-Saxon background such as King Arthur, Beowulf, and even Macbeth; the word weird is frequently used. In King Arthur weird was used to describe King Arthur’s ultimate destiny to become king of England even though he was separated from this real father from an early age. Beowulf visits the concept of fate through his destiny, which is to defeat the monster Grendel andShow MoreRelatedBook Report: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket682 Words   |  3 PagesBook Report The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket The Bad Beginning is the first in a series of childrens novels written by Lemony Snicket, whose real name is Daniel Handler, and was published in 1999. The book is about the three Baudelaire children, Violet, the oldest at age fourteen, her younger brother Klaus and the baby Sunny all of whom described as intelligent, charming and resourceful and extremely unlucky. The story begins with the children playing on the beach when they are approached byRead MoreMy Favorite Day Of Reading1511 Words   |  7 Pagesfinish the other half. Even though his writing is sort of cookie cutter, I still always find a way to connect to one of his characters no matter how small the similarity may be. I also hope to (finally) finish a book called Adverbs by Daniel Handler, aka Lemony Snicket, which is a series of short stories described by an adverb that is the title of each chapter. My interest in grammar has peaked since reading A Series of Unfortunate Events which teaches middle school kids about big words as well asRead More How Normal Has Changed Since September 11 Essay2013 Words   |  9 Pagesone example, fantasy book series that deal with frightening topics such as Harry Potter and A Series of Unfortunate Events (by Lemony Snicket) have been on the rise in recent months. They already had great momentum before September 11th, but many people believe that they have become more important to children since the attacks. Snicket (whos real name is Daniel Handler) suggests that children are turning to his books because traditional books say that everything will turn out all right if you behaveRead MoreMy Childhood And Teenage Years Essay2300 Words   |  10 Pagesfind the incentive to stop accepting all the bad in her marriage and leave but why did it take her so long? Why is it taking my mom so long to leave? The answer to this question leads back to the emotion called love. Lemony Snicket, the pen name of American novelist Daniel Handler, sums up the word love and its powe r when he writes â€Å"Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby--awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess.† Snicket’s line is stating how love not only changes a person

Tourism Evolution free essay sample

Tourism, third pillar of the economy after the E. P. Z manufacturing sector and agriculture, contribute significantly to economic growth and has been a key factor in the overall development of Mauritius. Tourism may be called to play an even more important role in the future because of the declining stage of the sugar industry. It creates exciting economic and employment opportunities throughout the country, and provides upcoming students with an exciting and worthwhile career. MTPA is implementing initiatives aimed, not only promoting and marketing tourist products but also at improving, modernising and creating tourist infrastructures. Work is therefore being carried out to create new tourist products and restore heritage and cultural resources, with a view to their tourist usage. Past performance and contributions to the economy: Chart 1-tourist arrivals from top ten markets, 2006-2007. In recent years Tourism has experienced important development and the sector is becoming more and more dynamic, with wider range of alternatives. We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism Evolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If the tourist industry accounted for 8. 5% of GDP in the economy in 2007, that figure has now risen to 11% of GDP. Tourist arrivals have been rising from 103,000 in 1977 to approximately 906,971 in 2007 (earning the sector 40. 7 billion Mauritius rupees ($1. 49 billion) in 2007). , about 68% of the tourist arrivals are of European origin and most of them are from France. From 2005 to 2006 the tourism industry in Mauritius was badly affected due to epidemics of Chikungunia. As a result of a decrease in tourist during this period various protagonist of the Tourist Industry has done a lot of work to overcome this crisis. T Current situation Quasi-liberal air access policy helps to increase the number of flights on Mauritius, However due to Petrol crisis Air Mauritius has been forced to reduce its destinations to certain destinations. Whereas the operating cost of airlines companies have increase resulting in a significant increase in air tickets. Purchasing power of tourist has fall. Due to the increase of terrorism in the world, people are more reluctant to travel as they feel unsafe. Following the 9/11 events in New York AML airport security equipment was renewed and further development in this area took place. Future role in the economy A situation should lead in 2015 to an average of 20 millions of tourists. This growth in capacity has been accompanied by a strong commitment, on the part of the sector and the tourist administration to quality, security and safety, which can be seen in several fields. To be able to support this considerable number of tourists, the airport of Mauritius formed an alliance with the Airport of Paris so that a new terminal with the capacity of 4 million of passenger per year can be built at the end of this year and be available in 2010. †¢Implementing promotion and communication initiatives to generate a brand image †¢On the occasion of ‘live in Mauritius 2008’ 130 Australian travel agent and 11 travel agents from Reunion were present. The main objective was to promote Mauritius †¢The minister of tourist announced that 27 projects in total is to be terminated as from now to 2010, with 5000 new rooms